Complementary and Alternative Therapies
The practice of acupuncture evolved in China some time before 2700 BC to treat a myriad of human health problems. These human acupuncture points have been translated to veterinary medicine to treat small and large animals. This adjunctive therapy has been used to keep performance horses on the top of their game and an aid in treating medical problems in many equines. Musculoskeletal problems such as back pain and arthritis have been treated with acupuncture with great results. It has also proven to aid in treatment of medical problems such as GI ulcers, heaves, reproductive issues, and neurologic problems like radial nerve or facial nerve paralysis, and laryngeal paralysis.
Aquapuncture is the practice of injecting a small volume of fluid in the acupoint. The presence of the fluid provides continued stimulation to the point with pressure. Fluids used in this practice can be used alone or in combinations of antiinflammatory medications, local anesthetics and homeopathic remedies.
This is another form of acupuncture which involves placing needles and applying gentle pulsating current to the site. Stimulation of the acupoint can be varied by frequency and intensity of the current.
This is a technique employed to treat primarily neck and back pain. Very small needles are used on a multiport injector to deposit small amounts of fluid in long lines along the back side. The injections are very shallow and small volumes are deposited in the middle layer of the skin, called the mesoderm. The fluids injected can also be a combination of antiinflammatory medications, local anesthetics and homeopathic remedies. In this location the injections stimulate the Giant Fibers which inhibit the transfer of pain back up the spinal cord to the brain, where the feeling of pain is registered. The number and frequency of treatments vary depending on the diagnosed problem, chronicity and how the horse responds to initial treatments.
Acupuncture - Dry Needling
Electrostim Acupuncture